Senin, 24 Juli 2017


Cara Memengaruhi Audience Anda di Sosial Media

Seandainya hari ini Anda aktif main sosial media, entah itu Facebook, Twitter, ataupun Instagram, maka Anda wajib ketahui ilmu ini.

Ilmu ini dikhususkan untuk Anda para pemain sosial media yang menggunakan akun-akunnya untuk kepentingan bisnis dan jualan. Karena mau tidak mau, Anda akan berinteraksi dengan audience Anda (teman atau follower) dan berusaha memengaruhi mereka agar mau beli produk Anda. Betul?

Ilmu ini bernama: PERSUASI.

Singkat kata, dengan menguasai ilmu ini, Anda dapat memengaruhi audience Anda untuk mengikuti apa yang Anda inginkan...

Entah itu goalnya nyuruh komen, nyuruh share, nyuruh klik link, atau nyuruh beli.

Pokoknya, nyuruh-nyuruh secara halus. Baik secara sadar maupun tidak sadar. Ngeri banget ya? Hehe 😅

Bicara soal persuasi, maka sudah pasti acuan yang paling banyak digunakan oleh Internet Marketer dan Pebisnis Online adalah hasil penelitian dari Robert B. Cialdini tentang The Psychology of Persuasion.

Dimana psikologi persuasi tersebut terdiri dari 6 kunci, diantaranya:

1. Reciprocity
2. Authority
3. Scarcity
4. Commitment & Consistency
5. Liking
6. Social Proof

Seperti biasa, untuk mempermudah Anda dalam mengingatnya, Saya buat singkatan khusus, yakni:

"RAiSa Cantik, Langsing, & Seksi"

Upss!! 🙈

Jangan sampai kebaca sama Hamish Daud dan pasangan Anda ya. Hehehe

Singkatan itu hanya tool untuk membuat konten Saya NAMPOL di ingatan Anda.


Tanpa panjang lebar lagi, yuk kita bahas satu per satu, apa saja 6 kunci persuasi yang dimaksud, dan gimana penggunaannya di sosial media dan penjualan.

Yuk kita jabarkan...



Intinya: jika ada orang memberikan sesuatu pada Anda, maka otomatis Anda ingin juga membalas dengan memberikan sesuatu yang sama atau bahkan lebih pada dia.

Artinya, jika Anda ingin orang lain "sungkan" dan memberikan timbal balik pada Anda, maka sebelumnya Anda mesti memberikan sesuatu dulu pada mereka. Paham?

Di sosial media, khususnya saat Anda ingin memengaruhi audience Anda dengan reciprocity ini, maka Anda bisa lakukan hal-hal berikut ini, seperti:

- Berikan Ebook GRATIS
- Adain Webinar GRATIS
- Kasih Giveaway (bagi-bagi hadiah)
- Edukasi rutin tiap hari
- Sering-sering LIVE Facebook / Instagram

... dan sejenisnya.

Lagi-lagi kuncinya:

"Sharing-sharing dahulu, selling-selling kemudian"

Maka pesan Saya untuk Anda, sebelum jualan, atau launch produk tertentu, mulailah dengan membangun reciprocity dulu.  Oke?


alias: Otoritas.

Intinya: orang akan lebih mudah mengikuti omongan orang atau institusi yang ahli & punya otoritas ketimbang yang biasa-biasa saja.

Manusia cenderung patuh terhadap orang atau figur yang memiliki otoritas yang kuat.

Kata-kata atau perintah seseorang yang kita anggap mempunyai otoritas akan lebih diterima dan dipercayai, tanpa ada keraguan sedikitpun. Bener gak?

Seperti halnya kita lebih percaya pada Dokter dalam urusan kesehatan, lebih percaya ke Ulama dalam urusan agama, lebih percaya ke Montir dalam urusan perbengkelan, dan lain sebagainya.

Bagaimana menggunakan authority di sosial media?

Beberapa hal yang bisa Anda lakukan, diantaranya:

- Tunjukan hasil penelitian
- Cantumkan testimoni dari para ahli
- Ceritakan gelar atau jabatan Anda
- Minta dukungan/berfoto dengan orang ahli
- Kutip perkataan tokoh-tokoh terkenal

...dan masih banyak lagi.

Karena authority setiap orang berbeda-beda, maka jika Anda merasa belum cukup punya authority di bidang Anda, lakukanlah tips-tips di atas, untuk "dompleng" authoritynya. Kebayaaaang? 👌


alias: kelangkaan.

Intinya: orang akan lebih tertarik dan take action cepat pada sesuatu yang langka.

Karenanya, setiap keterbatasan yang diletakkan pada sebuah penawaran (produk fisik atau non-fisik) dimunculkan agar menghadirkan perasaan tertekan dan terdesak untuk bertindak (take action).

“Sesuatu akan menjadi semakin menarik ketika jumlahnya terbatas...”

Sadar gak sadar, kita ada kecenderungan m membeli sesuatu dengan cepat saat kita

Mendengar bahwa produk atau waktu promonya tersebut akan habis.

Maka untuk menggunakan kunci Scarcity ini dalam berpromosi di sosial media adalah:

- Berikan Diskon, Hadiah, Bonus, Voucher khusus dengan batas waktu tertentu

- Kasih penawaran dengan jumlah stok atau jumlah produknya

Anda bisa mainkan kelangkaan di 2 poin, yakni waktu dan jumlah produk.

Silakan Anda susun sedemikian rupa strateginya agar promo tersebut langsung direspon banyak orang khususnya audience Anda. Sip? Mantap!


alias: Komitmen & Konsistensi.

Intinya: orang lebih mudah dipengaruhi jika sebelumnya sudah membuat komitmen awal yang kecil dan tidak berat.

Jadi kita ini sebagai manusia cenderung berpola dan keras kepala untuk sesuatu yang telah mereka yakini, benar atau salah.

Sekali ada isu tertentu yang sudah terprogram di pikiran bawah sadar, mereka akan bergerak, action, berjalan lurus sesuai isu tersebut.

Itulah kenapa ketika mau memberikan sesuatu atau merilis produk tertentu, biasanya Saya mengawalinya dengan pertanyaan sederhana, misalnya:

"Cung siapa yang mau ebook terbaru Saya. Komen MAU di komen ya!"

"Hayoo siapa lagi yang kepengen dijeblosin ke kelas online gratis Saya, cuung..."

"Baru nemu tool gokil nih. Mau?"

...dan sejenisnya.

Intinya, audience dibuat "MAU" dulu. Soal beli atau enggak, itu nomor sekian.

Tujuan dipancing-pancing begitu adalah memunculkan hukum komitmen dan konsisten ini. Sejauh yang Saya lakukan, cukup berhasil dan terbukti efektif. Baik di bisnis buku, course, hijab, dan properti. Silakan Anda coba..

Contoh ide lainnya dalam memuculkan commitment & consistency ini adalah dengan melakukan:

- Pertanyaan Yes-Set
- Pernyataan Yes-Set
- Cukup masukkan nama + email Anda
- Suruh like dan komen, sebelum share
- Suruh share, sebelum beli
- Interkasi dulu dengan audience, “Cung.."
- Jual murah dulu, baru yang mahal

... dan lain-lain.

Intinya, kalau seseorang udah komitmen dengan hal yang kecil, maka dia akan konsisten untuk melakukannya lagi bahkan mengambil tindakan yang lebih besar.

Udah, cobain aja, jangan banyak mikir! 😅

Kelima, LIKING.

alias: rasa suka.

Intinya: orang lebih mudah dipengaruhi oleh seseorang yang mereka suka.

Jadi, ketika audience Anda udah merasa “klik” dengan Anda, ikatan kuat udah terjalin, maka mereka akan dengan mudah jatuh ke pelukan Anda. Mereka akan respek dengan Call To Action Anda.

Cialdini dalam buku The Pshycology of Persuasion bilang:

"Orang akan lebih mudah berkata YA kepada mereka yang sudah kenal dan suka"

Karenanya, kunci penerapan Liking dalam sosial media adalah:

- Jadi orang yang nyenengin, jangan nyebelin

- Sering komen di status orang dengan memberikan pujian, sanjungan, apresiasi, atau komentar positif lainnya

- Jangan mendebat status mereka. Kalau gak suka, diem aja. Jangan komen

- Jangan pelit like atau lope-lope, khususnya di Facebook

- Berempatilah pada mereka yang terkena musibah atau masalah

- Sesekali endorse artis. Khususnya artis yang sesuai dengan produk dan target market Anda

Kebayang ya?


alias: Bukti Sosial.

Intinya: orang lebih mudah dipengaruhi jika ada jumlah banyak sebagai acuan.

Kalau Saya cek di Wikipedia, Social Proof adalah fenomena psikologis di mana orang menganggap tindakan orang lain dalam upaya untuk mencerminkan perilaku yang benar untuk situasi tertentu dimana situasi itu bisa benar bisa juga salah.

Itulah kenapa toko yang rame dan banyak pengunjung lebih tertarik untuk kita kunjungi ketimbang yang sepi. Itu pula yang menyebabkan produk-produk berstempel "Best Seller" lebih diincar market ketimbang yang biasa-biasa aja. Kebayang ya?

"Orang akan LEBIH PERCAYA apa kata orang, bukan apa kata PENJUAL..."

Karenanya, untuk menggunakan social proof di sosial media, lakukanlah hal ini:

- Sebutkan berapa banyak orang yang telah menggunakan atau membeli produk Anda

- Tunjukkan sebanyak mungkin testimoni

- Sampaikanlah informasi terkait data dan statistik produk yang Anda jual

- Sematkan kata Best Seller atau Produk Terlaris pada produk yang benar-benar laris dipasaran

- Gunakan kalimat: “Telah Terjual Sebanyak…”, “Telah Dibeli Oleh….”, “Telah Digunakan…”, “Telah Didownload…”

Kebayang ya?
Ih, pinter deh... 🤣👍🏻

Demikian 6 kunci persuasi yang bisa Anda gunakan untuk memengaruhi audience Anda di sosial media. ✍🏻

Silakan baca, pahami, dalami, dan praktikkan segera dalam bisnis Anda.

Jangan ditunda-tunda, entar keburu lupa. Jangan dinanti-nanti, entar keburu mati.

Sekian dari dari Saya, semoga bermanfaat ☺️


Dan untuk memastikan agar manfaat dari broadcast WhatsApp ini makin tersebar,

maka jika tidak keberatan, atau bahasa lainnya: sekiranya Anda gak pelit,

silakan share link di sosial media Anda, Facebook misalnya.

Kali aja teman Anda membutuhkan ilmunya. Toh gak ada ruginya berbagi. Soal rezeki, serahkan pada sang ilahi...

Semoga Allah memberikan keberkahan dan keberlimpahan pada mereka yang gemar berbagi. Aamiin....

"Sebaik-baiknya manusia adalah yang bermanfaat bagi manusia lainnya"

Pamit undur diri 🙏

Start With Why by Dewa eka prayoga


Satu Hal Penting yang Menggerakkan Orang untuk Bertindak

Simon Sinek, dalam bukunya yang berjudul 'Start with Why' selalu menekankan:

"Untuk memengaruhi orang secara maksimal, mulailah dari WHY"

Maksudnya? 🤔


Disadari atau tidak, banyak orang ketika melakukan sesuatu hanya fokus pada *WHAT (apa) dan HOW (bagaimana), bukan pada WHY (kenapa).*

Padahal, untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal, faktor *"why"* nya kudu kuat.

Misalnya, katakanlah ada seorang sahabat yang berhasil mendapatkan penghasilan Rp 1 miliar per bulan. Biasanya, sebagai manusia normal, kita cenderung kepo dan bertanya, "Wih, gimana ya caranya?". Bener gak?

Coba Anda perhatikan ini baik-baik...

Kebanyakan dari kita langsung mencari tahu HOW nya (caranya) ketimbang WHY nya (alasannya).

Yuk ubah cara berpikirnya, misalnya:

"Apa ya yang membuat dia bisa seperti itu?"
"Kenapa ya dia melakukan itu?"
"Kenapa ya dia melakukannya se-GILA itu?"
"Kenapa ya dia kok bisa konsisten dan seistiqomah itu?"

Kenapa? Kenapa? Kenapa?

Selalu berpikir: *"KENAPA"*, start with why...


Sekarang, yuk kita bicara soal jualan...

Coba Anda pikirkan, apakah Anda sudah memiliki jawaban yang kuat atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut ini:

1. Kenapa Anda memutuskan jualan?
2. Kenapa Anda memilih produk itu?
3. Kenapa Anda jualan produk itu setiap hari?
4. Kenapa Anda gak malu jualan?
5. Kenapa Anda gak takut ditolak orang?
6. Kenapa Anda gak peduli dengan cibiran orang?
7. Kenapa Anda ngotot jualannya?
8. Kenapa Anda istiqomah melakukannya?


Gimana, udah punya jawabannya?

Coba tuliskan ulang di kertas atau note Anda, jangan cuma di pikiran dan hati aja...


Karena disadari atau tidak, jawaban atas pertanyaan tersebut akan memberikan energi tersendiri saat kita melakukannya.

Alasan itulah yang akan membuat kita bersemangat untuk mencapai target-target di kehidupan...

Alasan itulah yang akan membuat kita bertahan disaat adanya ujian, cibiran, cacian, dan makian..

Alasan itulah yang akan membuat kita berjuang keras untuk melakukan yang terbaik setiap harinya..

Kalau WHY nya udah jelas dan kuat, solusi  akan hadir dengan sendirinya...

Kenapa banyak orang baperan?
Karena WHY nya gak jelas...

Kenap banyak orang menyerah & putus asa?
Karena WHY nya gak jelas...

Kenapa orang hidupnya gitu-gitu aja?
Karena WHY nya gak jelas...

Gak mau kan hidup cuma gitu-gitu aja?
tak ada kemajuan, tak ada pertumbuhan...

Karenanya: mulailah membangun kehidupan Anda dengan miliki alasan yang jelas & kuat.



Setiap orang tahu apa yang mereka lakukan... (what)

Beberapa orang tahu bagaimana mereka melakukannya... (how)

TAPI hanya sedikit orang yang tahu mengapa mereka melakukannya... (why)

Semoga Anda termasuk golongan sedikit orang yang tahu kenapa melakukannya.

Sekian dari Saya, Dewa Eka Prayoga.

By the way, START WITH WHY ini tak hanya berlaku di kehidupan, tapi juga bisa diterapkan di penjualan...

Ya, saat berjualan, jangan cuma fokus menjelaskan WHAT (fitur) nya saja, tapi tekankanlah faktor WHY nya (alasan & manfaatnya)...


Kenapa harus beli produkmu?
Kenapa harus percaya omonganmu?
Kenapa harus beli darimu?
Kenapa harus beli banyak?
Kenapa harus beli sekarang?
Kenapa harus beli lagi?


Anda mesti tahu jawaban atas pertanyaan tersebut, sebelum orang lain memutuskan untuk membeli produk yang Anda jual.

Bayangkan, kalau Anda sendiri aja gak tahu apa alasannya, apalagi orang lain.

Maka pantes kalau misalkan jualan gak laku-laku, atau omsetnya cuma segitu-gitu mulu..

#tepukjidat 🙈

Bisa jadi bukan salah di what (fitur) nya, tapi salah di why (alasan & manfaat) nya..


PR Anda sekarang, selain menjawab pertanyaan WHY untuk diri Anda sendiri, juga mendesain jawaban WHY untuk produk yang sedang Anda jual, diantaranya:

- Kenapa orang lain harus beli produkmu?
- Kenapa orang lain harus percaya omonganmu?
- Kenapa orang lain harus beli darimu?
- Kenapa orang harus beli banyak?
- Kenapa orang harus beli sekarang?
- Kenapa orang harus beli lagi?


- Kenapa orang lain tidak beli produkmu?
- Kenapa orang lain tidak percaya omonganmu?
- Kenapa orang lain tidak beli darimu?
- Kenapa orang tidak beli banyak?
- Kenapa orang tidak beli sekarang?
- Kenapa orang tidak beli lagi?

Ayo analisa. Temukan jawabannya.

Tulis sebanyak mungkin.

Pilihlah 3 alasan terkuat dari masing-masing jawaban tersebut. Dan jadikan itu add value Anda saat berjualan.

Selamat berpikir. 🤔

Boleh discreenshoot bagian yang paling disukai dan post FB Anda, sertakan link:

Kalau mau tag di Instagram @dewaekaprayoga, boleh juga kok.

Semoga bermanfaat... 🙏

Pilar Bisnis Online

Bagaimana Cara Mengoptimasi Bisnis Online yang Anda Jalankan

Saya tidak tahu bisnis Anda apa, tapi Saya meyakini bahwa jika Anda ingin mendapatkan hasil optimal dari bisnis yang Anda jalankan, kuasailah 3 pilar berikut ini:

*1. List*
*2. Copy*
*3. Offer*

Yuk kita bisa bahas satu per satu...

*Pertama, LIST.*

List bicara tentang siapa audience atau target market bisnis Anda. Dimana mereka ngumpul, apa kebiasaannya, apa minatnya, berapa usianya, dst.

List yang baik adalah MILIK SENDIRI, seperti List Email, Nomor Handphone, dan Pixel.

Karenanya, milikilah list tersebut. Kuasailah bagaimana cara mengumpulkannya, mengelolanya, dan memfunnelnya sampai pada produk yang Anda tawarkan.

Belajarlah ilmu LIST BUILDING, entah itu di Email, WhatsApp, atau Facebook Ads.

Karena di media tersebutlah Anda bisa memiliki list milik sendiri.

Bagaimana dengan Instagram?
Bagaimana dengan Facebook Personal?
Bagaimana dengan Channel Telegram?

Itu semua adalah list milik orang lain.

Artinya, Anda tidak bisa ambil data mereka. Anda cuma 'numpang' di media orang lain. Jadi kalau misal ada pemblokiran atau masalah lainnya, itu konsekwensinya.

Karenanya, saran Saya, mulailah fokus membangun list milik Anda sendiri.

Sekarang. Dan seterusnya...

*Kedua, COPY.*

Copy bicara tentang bagaimana cara Anda menawarkan produk yang Anda jual pada list yang Anda miliki. Dapat berupa tulisan, image, video, layout, dll,

Copy yang bagus memiliki konversi yang tinggi, alias menghasilkan penjualan. Dan untuk membuat copy yang bagus, Anda perlu pahami karakteristik dan seluk beluk target market produk tersebut. Karena dari situlah copy dibuat.

Belajarlah ilmu copywriting, di buku Easy Copywriting, dan bisa Anda pesan di

Belajarlah cara membuat cerita (story telling) yang menarik..

Belajarlah cara membuat video marketing yang bagus..

Belajarlah cara membuat desain promo yang keren..

Pokoknya: pelajari semuanya.

Kalau gak sanggup pelajari semuanya, rekrutlah orang yang ahli di bidangnya.

Udah, gitu aja, sesimpel itu.

*Ketiga, OFFER.*

Offer bicara tentang apa sebenarnya produk yang Anda jual. Misalnya: barang atau jasa.

Offer yang baik muncul atas dasar pemecahan masalah dan pemenuhan kebutuhan market.

Karenanya, jangan asal buat buat. Sekali lagi, jangan asal buat produk.

Jangan egois. Jangan ego sentris.

Buatlah produk yang benar-benar market butuhkan, bukan yang 'menurut Anda' market butuhkan. Beda...

Ada risetnya dulu. Ada surveinya dulu. Ada proses mikirnya dulu. Gak sembarangan...

Sekarang, mari kita berandai-andai...

Seandainya list + copynya bagus, tapi offernya jelek, apa yang akan terjadi?

Ya, sulit banget terjadi konversi penjualan disebabkan bawaan produknya emang jelek. Wajar, wong gak layak jual. Kalaupun misakan terjadi penjualan, akan muncul kekecewaan. Gak repeat order deh... Kebayang?

Seandainya copy + offernya bagus, tapi listnya gak targeted, apa yang akan terjadi?

Ya, susah banget jualnya. Ya iyalah, wong mereka gak butuh kok. Salah narget...

Ibarat kata jualan produk Hijab dengan angle akhwat tapi bidiknya cowok, jomblo pula, ya gatot (gagal total). Boncoss...

Seandainga list + offernya bagus, tapi copynya jelek, apa yang akan terjadi?

Ya, orang gak ada nafsu dan urgensi untuk beli, walaupun bisa jadi mereka tertarik. Terlalu biasa copynya...


Oleh karenanya...

Jika Anda ingin mengoptimasi bisnis online Anda, maka perhatikan 3 pilar ini baik-baik. Optimasi ketiganya.. semuanya.

Listnya harus targeted...
Copynya harus ciamik...
Offernya harus bagus...

Tentunya, saat melakukan itu semua, Anda harus mengukurnya.


Baca datanya.
Perhatikan polanya.

Dari situ nanti Anda bakal tahu, mana pilar-pilar yang bisa Anda optimasi.

Kebayang ya?

Sabtu, 22 Juli 2017

Aramco Marlin Test



Saat ini, salah satu requirement bagi para pelaut sebelum bekerja/join pada sebagian perusahaan pelayaran asing adalah harus menjalani“Marlin test”. Minimum score Marlin test untuk Master dan Chief officer biasanya adlah 70% per section dan overall score adalah 80%. Banyak para pelaut kita yang gagal bekerja dikapal karena tidak bisa memenuhi minimum score requirement tersebut. Atas dasar inilah saya mengumpulkan berbagi soal-soal dalam Marlin test agar bisa di pelajari, dipahami dan atau dihapalkan oleh rekan-rekan pelaut sehingga dengan demikian para pelaut tidak akan mengalami kesulitan untuk menyelesaikan soal-soal Marlin test dengan hasil melebihi score minimum yang dipersyaratkan.

Dari waktu ke waktu Marlin test mengalami perubahan/update soal, namun perubahan tersebut tidak berbeda jauh dengan soal-soal sebelumnya dan model soalnya selalu begitu-begitu saja.

Sebetulnya ada rasa takut dalam diri saya untuk mempublikasikan kumpulan soal jawab Marlin test ini, karena mungkin bisa dianggap sebagai pelanggaran hak cipta. Namun dengan mengucap “Bismillahirahmanirrahim dan niat baik” saya beritikad mempublikasikanya sampai ada teguran dari pihak yang merasa keberatan.

Bagi yang baru pertama kali akan melakukan Marlin test, Saya sarankan untuk mengunjungi  dan kemudian pilih “Practice a test” sehingga akan mengetahui langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan sebelum menjalani test.


Sebelum masuk ke test yang sebenarnya kita terlebih dahulu harus mengisi data-data sebagai berikut:

1.    Choose your language, Pilih sesuai nationality kita yaitu “BAHASA INDONESIA”

2.    Klik “Start your test” di sudut pojok kiri bawah monitor.

3.    Details “Enter your details”. Input data-data kita sesuai kolom yang tersedia yaitu antara lain:

a.    First Name

b.    Last Name

c.     Seaman book number

d.    Date of birth

e.    Country of Nationality

f.     Country of Nationality other

g.    Job type, Pilih “Deck management level (Master, Chief officer). Atau sesuai jabatanya

h.    Job title

i.      Location (e.g. Jakarta, Indonesia)

Selesai mengisi data-data diatas, klik “Forward”di pojok kiri bawah monitor

4.    Klik “Start your test”

5.    Kita langsung bisa mengerjakan soal-soal Marlin test sebanyak 85 Soal yang harus diselesaikan dalam waktu 60 Menit.


Ada 25 soal listening yang harus dikerjakan, Baca terlebih dahulu dengan seksama soalnya beserta jawaban pilihan ganda yang disediakan kemudian klik “Listen”, Dengarkan baik-baik dan pilih jawaban sesuai pesan suara yg kita dengarkan. Biasanya jawaban yang benar akan sesuai atau matching dengan soal yg ditanyakan. Saya tidak bisa banyak membahas soal “Listening” karena berbentuk suara, disini saya hanya akan memberikan contoh soalnya saja.

Perhatikan screenshot berikut:

Contoh soal: I’m afraid it’s too………. (Jawaban yg betul walaupun tanpa listening adalah “LATE” – Jadi perhatikan kalimatnya terlebih dahulu)


Ada 30 soal pilihan ganda yg harus dikerjakan, dimana soal grammer ini terbagi dalam beberapa chapter soal sebagai berikut:


Jawaban yang betul adalah kata2 yg berwarna “MERAH”

Contoh gambar untuk soal ini adalah:

1.         A fire broke out in the engine room 30 minute ago.

2.         All cargo should be checkedthoroughly before loading.

3.         Avoid contact with any moving parts

4.         All life-jackets on any ship must be ofthe same make and type.

5.         All vessels are advised to keep clear ofthis area.

6.         All entries entered into the Oil Record Book must be up-to-date, accurate, truthful and in compliance with.

7.         All this equipment should be maintained according with the manufacturer’s instructions.

8.         Are you familiar with this type of equipment?

9.         Are you ready to sail?

10.      Are there any injured crew members onboard?

11.      Are you going to leave the port on Friday?

12.      Are they checking the alarm system just now?

13.      Are any portable fire-extinguishers available?

14.      All necessary equipment was stowedin an appropriate location

15.      Before commencing loading all necessary preparations should be madein the port.

16.      Be careful you don’t fall off the ladder.

17.      Both vessels were equipped withoperational radars.

18.      Can you approach the vessel from the lee side?

19.      Closing doors will slow down the spread of flames.

20.      Chemicals must be handled with great care.

21.      Don’t approach this area. Its prohibited

22.      Do not remove protective shields, guards, covers or any warning signs

23.      Don’t use any heating appliances in your cabin, it can be dangerous

24.      Does the Cook know how to use the fire blanked?

25.      Does the ship have a bow thruster?

26.      Did you inform the master about the visitors?

27.      Do you have to have shore passes?

28.      Drip trays should be placed under the hose couplings before bunkering operations.

29.      Dry bulk cargo is unloaded by cranes.

30.      Dangerous good should be stowed away from living quarters.

31.      Ensure that the procedures in the ship security plan are followed

32.      Emergency services must be called immediately.

33.      Each lifeboat should be launched and maneuvered in the water at last once every 3 months.

34.      Emergencies often occur at night.

35.      He did not attempt to make a radio line call to inform us about this accident

36.      Has the chief officer taken over the watch from the Second officer yet?

37.      How can I contact you?

38.      How does the ship answer the helm?

39.      How did they manage to avoid the incident?

40.      How do you prevent unauthorized person from coming on board?

41.      How many gangs will be working in this shift?

42.      How many copies of this document do you need?

43.      How many propellers has your vessel got?

44.      How many crew are there on this vessel?

45.      How many tugs were assisting in the berthing?

46.      How long did it take them to pick up the survivors?

47.      How long has the vessel been under repair?

48.      How long have you known our Master?

49.      How long have you been dischargingcontainers?

50.      How long are you going to work at sea?

51.      How much time will it take you to complete this work?

52.      How often do you usually haveemergency drills on board?

53.      Have you ever been to Australia?

54.      Have you any passengersdisembarking in this port?

55.      Have you read the operating instructions yet?

56.      Have you checked the first aid equipment?

57.      Has the cargo been delivered yet?

58.      I need to find out the exact dates of my next shore leave.

59.      I have been on this ship since April.

60.      I have just talked with the watch officer on the phone.

61.      I have been working as an electrician for 7 years.

62.      I have been looking for my key everywhere but can’t find it.

63.      I am not under command at the moment.

64.      I am looking for the Bosun to ask for some white paint. Have you seen him?

65.      I’m finishing my contract at the end of January.

66.      I am maneuvering with difficulty. Keep clear of me.

67.      I prefer coffee with milk.

68.      If you need medication you should take it with you.

69.      If is necessary to abandon ship in cold climates you must put on extra clothing.

70.      It will take you 15 minutes to get to the nearest bank on foot.

71.      I have known the ch.eng for 10 years.

72.      I will be thirty on Monday.

73.      I am afraid he’s busy at the moment, he is speaking on the phone, but, he won’t be long

74.      If the visibility is reduced we will proceed at slow speed

75.      If typhoid is found to be present the passengers will not be allowed to disembark.

76.      If they increased the ship’s speed, they would arrive at the port on time.

77.      Is the berth fitted with fenders?

78.      Is there sufficient room for swinging around?

79.      Most oil supply occurs during routine cargo operations and bunkering.

80.      My position has been obtained bycelestial observation.  

81.      New navigation equipment will be installed on board of our ship by the end of this month.

82.      Nobody was injured after the fire in the accommodation.

83.      Our last of call was Genoa

84.      Portable VHF radios can provide vital communication between the bridge and the cargo control room.

85.      Stop where you are and wait until the pilot arrives.

86.      The gross tonnage is used to calculate harbor dues and pilotage.

87.      The lookout is on his way to the bridge.

88.      The survivors were rescued from the see by helicopter.

89.      The master is still talking to the agent at the moment.

90.      The hold was surveyed 2 hours ago.

91.      The ship is proceeding at speed of 18 knots now.

92.      The investigators have been trying to find the cause of the accident since last night.

93.      The fire was discovered by the engineer who notices smoke coming from the hatch

94.      The ship was ordered to alter course

95.      The ship will be left  for Odessa tomorrow

96.      The ship will be placed to quarantine for 6-10 days

97.      The space was not entered until the fire service arrived

98.      The goods will be delivered in time

99.      The distress message was received at 17.00.

100.  The life boats have already been launched.

101.  The owners, flag state and control state were not informed about the accident within the required period.

102.  The ship was chartered last year.

103.  The breathing apparatus is over there.

104.  The ship always arrives on schedule.

105.  The storm warning was received at 1900 hrs.

106.  Three representatives of the Port Control are on board our ship now.

107.  Today the crews are going to carry outa launch of recovery exercise with the lifeboat.

108.  There holds are designed to keep cargo at the correct temperature.

109.  There were over 500 passengers on board during this voyage.

110.  This chapter includes instructions and information about all the lifesaving appliances on board.

111.  This vessel has called at 21 ports in the last 2 months.

112.  The pilotage is compulsory for all vessels that enter or leave the port.

113.  The Chief Engineer and 2nd Officer are arriving here by plane.

114.  The 3rd officer on watch met us at the gangway.

115.  The ship is leaving port in three day’s time.

116.  The pump rate should be 60 cubic meters per hour.

117.  The lifting work was done under the supervision of the Chief Eng.

118.  The investigation showed that the fire was caused by the carelessness of the welder.

119.  The line throwing device is stored onthe bridge.

120.  The operation will be carried out with a hoist.

121.  The turbocharger is out of operation.

122.  The Panamas bulker sent out a distress message saying the holds were filling with water.

123.  The bulk carrier arrived in Singapore at4 p.m.

124.  The collision between the tanker and the fishing boat was live miles off the Black Sea coast.

125.  The Chief officer was annoyed because the decision was made without informing him.

126.  The ratings are busy scrubbing the deck at the moment.

127.  These records are maintained on board for at least a 12-month period.

128.  To make drills more effective a scenario of the emergency should be decided before the drill.

129.  Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.

130.  Work must not be carry out unless the necessary PPE is available for use.

131.  We have made an appointment with the surveyor for tomorrow.

132.  We reached to pilot station at 6 p.m.

133.  We are repairing the main engine now. We may need some spare pats.

134.  We need to examine the release gear.

135.  We have been waiting for a berth for 3 hours.

136.  We waited for the agent until 5 o’clock but he didn’t come.

137.  We were unable to leave Rotterdam on15 Nov.

138.  We have decided against renewing your contract.

139.  We expect to repair the pump in 2 hours.

140.  What cargo does your ship carry?

141.  What is her full maneuvering speed?

142.  What precautions should be takenwhen loading cargo?

143.  What steps should be taken if there is some spillage when loading?

144.  What portable fire extinguishers do you have on this ship?

145.  What repairs do you want us to make?

146.  What kings of fire-fighting appliances are there on board?

147.  What port did your ship call at during this voyage?

148.  What king of assistance do they need?

149.  What did you have for dinner yesterday?

150.  What are you duties at sea?

151.  What safety measures are carried out on vessels?

152.  What signals are used in case of emergency?

153.  What was the main cause of the collision last week?

154.  Who is lashing the deck cargo?

155.  Who prepares life boats for launching?

156.  Who is responsible for this?

157.  Who discovered the person had fallen overboard?

158.  Who  …. and signed the oil samples?

159.  Who is responsible for the number and use of tugs during mooring?

160.  Who is responsible for the use of the communication in an emergency.

161.  Who was this certificate signed by?

162.  Whose telephone numbers are listed in the document?

163.  When will you pass through the Panama Canal?

164.  When will our berth be available?

165.  When will our food be ready?

166.  When will the pilot arrive on board?

167.  When did you last see the watchman?

168.  When the Captain comes we will discuss this problem.

169.  When was the storm warningreceived?

170.  When it gets dark the additional lights swich on?

171.  When will the ship deliver suppliers?

172.  When was the letter issued to the port authorities?

173.  Where is the ship found for?

174.  Where did you take on fresh water?

175.  Where is the emergency pumplocated?

176.  Where will the emergency party muster?

177.  Where are you going?

178.  Why isn’t shore-based radar assistance available yet?

179.  Why should I speak to about underground storage tanks?

180.  Why was the Master so angry?

181.  Why did you cancel the meeting yesterday?

182.  Why is the Master not satisfied withour work.

183.  Will you inspect the galley and storerooms?

184.  Which is the best extinguisher to put out an electrical fire?

185.  You look so pale? What’s wrong withyou?

186.  You are proceeding at dangerous speed.

187.  You are heading forwards fishing nets.

188.  You must not leave your post but should contact the other person via radio.

189.  You can close the holds after the heavy lifts have been loaded

190.  You are not to leave the ship without permission.

191.  You need check the mooring rope.



Dibawah ini adalah merupakan kumpulan jawaban yang betul (Boleh dihapalkan)

Contoh gambar untuk soal ini adalah:

1.         The vessel has run aground

2.         The crewmen are taking part in mooring operations.

3.         The crewman is demonstration how to use the fir-extinguisher

4.         The crewmen are strapping the casualty

5.         The crew are donning their life jackets

6.         The crew are going to the muster station

7.         The crewmen with breathing apparatus are going downstairs

8.         The fire fighter is entering the space

9.         Two crew members have recovered the lifeboat

10.      The cook is cooking pancakes

c.     GRAMMAR


Soal grammer ini adalah menyusun kata-kata yang diacak untuk menjadi sebuah kalimat yang betul tata bahasanya (Grammer)

Dibawah ini adalah merupakan kumpulan jawaban yang betul (Boleh dihapalkan)

Contoh gambar untuk soal ini adalah:

1.         Did you inform about the visitors to the Master?

2.         Did you receive a work permit before the entering enclose space

3.         Did you put back your tools in the tool box?

4.         How long will the ship stay in Barcelona?

5.         How long will the refitting take?

6.         How many people helped to extinguish the fire?

7.         How much time do you need to repair the winch?

8.         He completed the training course three months ago

9.         Have you inspected the mooring lines yet?

10.      How long it will take you to get there?

11.      It took us a long time to clean the cargo hold

12.      I have just checked the fire-fighting equipment

13.      Protective respiratory equipment should be used

14.      Respirators don't provide protection in oxygen deficient atmospheres

15.      The vessel I work on is old

16.      The rescue operations were completed successfully.

17.      The vessel loaded a cargo of sawn timber yesterday

18.      The tug service will be resumed after 8 hours

19.      The cargo was damaged by water.

20.      The team began donning breathing apparatus and chemical suits

21.      The use of mobile phones is prohibited

22.      The storm warning was received at 19.00 Hrs

23.      The Master is responsible for the emergency party training

24.      The passengers disembarked from the vessel 2 hours ago

25.      There's poor visibility because of the fog

26.      This should be carried out by trained person only

27.      Tanker is altering course to starboard

28.      Tools which are defective mustn't be used

29.      We need to carry out a lifeboat drill next week

30.      Warning signs must be displayed

31.      Who can speak Spanish on board?

32.      Where is the ship registered?

33.      Where can I get protective gloves?

34.      Where will they rig the pilot ladder?

35.      Where is the onboard oil spill removal equipment stored?

36.      What will you do if you notice the smell of smoke?

37.      What doors must be locked when in port?

38.      What did you have for dinner yesterday?

39.      What are the procedures in case of fire?

40.      What equipment should I use when working aloft?

41.      What cargos are you loading in hold no 4?

42.      What are the advantages of this system?

43.      What warning notices were used during welding?

44.      What fire-fighting appliances do you have onboard?

45.      What should you do if you see a man has fallen overboard?

46.      What's the name of that vessel over there?

47.      When will you deliver the ship supplies?

48.      When will they be permitted to go ashore?

49.      When did you launch the last lifeboat?

50.      When will the ship arrive in Liverpool?

51.      When are you going to complete bunkering?

52.      When did you last have a security related drill?

53.      Which flight is boarding at gate18?

54.      Which side will the ship moor?

55.      Which defective tools are must not be used?

56.      Why didn't you inform the bridge about the accident?

57.      You mustn't smoke in the cargo hold.

58.      You need a license to operate this machine


Ada sekitar 15 soal Vocabulary yang harus dikerjakan, dimana terbagi dalam beberapa chapter sebagai berikut:

a.    (ODD WORD)


Jawaban yang betul adalah yang berwarna “MERAH”

Pilihlah kata yg berbeda makna dengan kata2 yang ada.

Contoh: Shout = Berteriak, Whisper = Berbisik, Scream = Menjerit, Yell = Bersorak (Maka kata yang berbeda dari 4 kata tersebut adalah “WHISPER”, jadi inilah jawaban yang benar)

Contoh gambar untuk soal ini adalah:

1.         Shout, WHISPER, Scream, Yell

2.         Filthy, Dirty, Muddy, CLEAN

3.         Unscrew, Loosen, TIGHTEN, Undo

4.         Precious, Valuable, WORTHLESS, Expensive

5.         Personnel, MAN, Crew, Staff

6.         Risky, Dangerous, SAFE, Hazardous

7.         Error, FAULTLESS, Incorrect, Mistake

8.         Ocean, MOUNTAIN, River, Channel

9.         Sure, DOUBTFUL, Confident, Certain

10.      Rum, Beer, Wine, MILK

11.      Equipment, Appliance, Device, CAPTAIN

12.      Take, Receive, Accept, GIVE

13.      Next to, Close to, FAR, Beside

14.      Pier, Berth, Quay, BOLLARD

15.      JOIN, Split, Divide, Separate

16.      Stairs, GATE, Step, Ladder

17.      Hard, Complicated, EASY, Difficult

18.      Oranges, PEAS, Bananas, Grapes

19.      Grow, Rise, REDUCE, Increase

20.      Allow, Let, Permit, PROHIBIT

21.      Feed up, Angry, CHEERFUL, Annoyed

22.      Light, Bulb, CHISEL, Lamp

23.      REJECT, Accept, Agree, Approve

24.      BOARD, Get off, Disembark, Leave

25.      Huge, TINY, Enormous, Big

26.      Inspect , Check, Test , IGNORE

27.      Misty, CLEAR, Hazy, Foggy

28.      QUESTION, Command, Instruction, Order

29.      CALM, Anxious, Worried, Nervous

30.      Snack, Dinner, Meal, POTATOES

31.      Lifebuoy, Lifejacket, LIFETIME, Lifeboat

32.      Cable, Rope, FUNNEL, Line

33.      Strain, FLU, Cut, Burn

34.      MESSY, Tidy, Neat, Clean

35.      KNIFE, Ticket, Passport, Visa

36.      REFUSE, Adhere to, Comply with, Obey

37.      Usually, Frequently, Often, RARELY

38.      Mend, Fix, Repair, BREAK

39.      Flare, Flame, fire, FOGHORN

40.      Accurate, CARELESS, exact, precise

41.      SOFT, Firm, Hard, Solid

42.      Moist, Damp, DRY, Wet

43.      BRIGHT, Dull, Dark, Dim

44.      Town, City, Village,  STREET

45.      ANCHOR, Dial, Gauge, Indicator

46.      LUGGAGE, Rubbish, Garbage, Litter

47.      LISTEN, Speak, Talk, Say

48.      Hand, INJURY, Knee, Shoulder

49.      Engineer, Welder, ARTIS, Electrician

50.      Aid, assist, OBSTRUCT, Help

51.      Perfect, Brilliant, Excellent,DISAPPOINTING

52.      Timber, Grain, Oil, CARGO

53.      Boots, HAT, Shoes, Trousers

b.    Look at the picture, put each word in the correct place.

Saya tidak akan membahas soal ini, karena kita cukup menempatkan tiap kata pada gambar yang tersedia.


Spoon – Letakan pada gambar sendok

Plate – Letakan pada gambar piring, begitu seterusnya.

Contoh gambar untuk soal ini adalah:


Letakkan kata-kata yg ada kedalam kolom yang sesuai, ada 3 kolom yang masing2 kolom harus diisi dengan 2 kata.

Misalnya Kolom Food = Rice, Pasta, Kolom Kitchen utensils = Knife, Bowl dan Kolom Furniture = Armchair, Table.

Contoh gambar untuk soal ini adalah:

Berikut ini sudah saya susun berdasarkan category (Dalam satu katagory ada 2 kata jawaban)


Kitchen utensils


rice, pasta

knife, bowl

armchair, table


Kitchen utensils


soup, beef stew

tin opener, potato peeler

wardrobe, sofa




square, triangle

green, blue

large, wide




rectangular, round

grey, purple

huge, small

equipment failure



blackout, overheating

engine, pump

welding, soldering

equipment failure



leakage, burst

generator, boiler

replace, weld

part of ship

ship space

ship characteristics

deck, bulkhead

storeroom, workshop

draft, breadth

part of ship

type of ship


forecastle, superstructure

reefer, tanker

fertilizer, coal

part of ship

ship space

ship characteristics

funnel, hull

cargo hold, wheelhouse

deadweight, length overall




grapes, peach

cucumber, cabbage

Wine, Milk




watermelon, pineapple

Carrot, potato

tea, coffee

part of body

type of injury

medication and treatment

leg, head

cut, burn

pills, injection

part of the body

type of injury


knee, shoulder

sprain, a break

ointment, antibiotics

personal protective clothing

life-saving equipment


safety shoes, hard hat

lifejacket, breathing apparatus

explosion, grounding

personal protective clothing

life-saving equipment


gloves, goggles

life raft, immersion suit

collision, fire

mooring terms

anchoring terms

cargo handling gear

bollard, breast line

windlass, chain locker

derrick, grab crane

weather conditions

navigational equipment

anchoring terms

hurricane, gale

echo sounder, radar

shackle, gypsy

fire-fighting appliances

weather conditions

life-saving appliances

hose, extinguisher

poor visibility, dense fog

thermal protective aid, lifebuoy



place of work

uncle, nephew

lawyer, doctor

bank, shop



electrical items

slippers, boots

shirt, belt

DVD player, television

mooring terms

anchoring terms

cargo handling gear

bollard, breast line

windlass, chain locker

derrick, grab crane


means of signaling

mooring appliances

soldering iron, wrench

hand flare, smoke float

fairlead, reel

cargo handling gear


damage to cargo

slings, tarpaulin

sheet iron, flour

fermentation, soiling

galley equipment

cargo equipment

navigational equipment

dishwasher, stove

boom, hook

gyrocompass, course recorder


damage to cargo

cargo document

grain, timber

wetting, crushing

Mate's Receipt, Bill of Lading




warehouse, factory

motorbike, train

fax, telephone


Time and numbering ini relative mudah akan tetapi hanya ada 5 soal yang harus dikerjakan. Karena cuma 5 soal jika salah 2 soal saja, maka point yang diperoleh cuma  60 % (Tidak lulus). Hati-hati dan jangan sampai salah dalam mengerjakan soal “Time and Numbers”ini.

Contoh gambar untuk soal ini adalah:


Tulisan yang ada dalam kurung adalah cara pengejaan yang benar (Bisa dihapalkan)

1.    Last year the company had a market share of 10.3% (TEN POINT THREE PERCENT)

2.    1/4 Of the seafarers in my company come from Ukraine (ONE QUARTER)

3.    50% of all major pollution claims involve ships which are not carrying oil cargoes (FIFTY PERCENT)

4.    The SART operates on frequency band 9 GHz (NINE GIGAHERTZ)

5.    We can meet at 10 a.m. tomorrow and discuss this question (TEN IN THE MORNING)

6.    New crew joined the vessel 2 days before sailing to familiarize themselves with the vessel (A COUPLE OF)

7.    Their company has 1,200 employees (ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED)

8.    The sea makes up 7/10 of the earth’s surface (SEVEN TENTHS)

9.    You must arrive at the airport at 0010 hrs (JUST AFTER MIDNIGHT)

10.     Around 70% the world’s fleet is still coated with TBT base paint systems (SEVENTY PERCENT)

11.     It was noticed that package number 167 had been opened (ONE SIX SEVEN)

12.     The total number of worldwide reported pirate attacks dropped to 276 this year (TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY SIX)

13.     The cargo was loaded on Tuesday 21stApril (TWENTY FIRST)

14.     Tanker accidents account for only 6% of the total amount of oil which enters the sea (SIX PERCENT)

15.     For more information on reducing or preventing oil pollution, see page 389. (THREE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY NINE)


Ada 10 soal pronunciation yang harus dikerjakan.

Untuk bisa menjawab soal ini kita harus tahu cara baca, pilih kata yang cara bacanya berbeda (Beda Suara) dari pilihan jawaban yang ada.

Misalnya; Phone (Dibaca: Foun), Phenomenon (Dibaca: Fenomenon), Photo (Dibaca: Fouto),Pound (Dibaca: Paun). Perhatikan huruf yang saya tandai dg garis bawah bold, huruf mana yg cara spellingnya berbeda? Dari kata pilihan yang ada, spelling huruf yang paling berbeda adalah “POUND (DIBACA: PAUN)” sedangkan kata yang lain cara mengejanya sama (P dieja menjadi F)

Contoh gambar untuk soal ini adalah:


Jawaban yang benar adalah yg saya tandai warna “MERAH BOLD”

1.    Phone, Phenomenon, Photo, POUND

2.    POOR, Pour, Restore, Four.

3.    SIZE, Spirit, Figure, Midship.

4.    Card, Barge, MATCH, Large

5.    Celsius, Cigar, CARGO, Celebrate,

6.    Could, NAIL, Half, Talk

7.    Lighting, Bright, FITTING, Pipe

8.    CHARGE, Crack, Bucket, Lack

9.    CHRONOMETER, Chamber, Discharge, Chart

10.     Gym, General, GAME, Age

11.     Below, Overflow, COW, Throw

12.     Dress, Assess, Messman, ACCESS

13.     PALLET, Ball, Small, Wall

14.     Bathroom, Health, WEATHER, Thruster

15.     BAG, Ring, Wing, Long

16.     Function, Essential, Tension, MAINTAIN

17.     Trim, Rig, Pin, HORIZON

18.     School, Ache, REACH, Stomach,

19.     Write, CIRCUIT, Tight, Night

20.     Begin, VEGETABLE, Gas, Grind

21.     This, THERMOMETER, Thinner, Theft

22.     Pollution, Attention, PREVENTIVE, Precaution

23.     CHARGE, Crack, Lack, Bucket

24.     KEEP, Knock, Knob, Knife

25.     EAR, Fly, Buy, Eye

26.     FINGER, Grind, Find, Mild

27.     Snow, Low, HOW, Go


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Berikut adalah kumpulan soal reading yang beserta jawabanya “Warna merah dengan garis bawah adalah jawaban yang benar”:


Spontaneous combustion can occur when packed cargoes such as coal, hemp, copra and grain are carried especially if these have been loaded in damp conditions. In the centre of these cargoes there is very little ventilationto supply a cooling effect and the natural heat generated can rise to such a degree that it causes combustion of the material. Due to the restriction of oxygen supply, this will just smolder for a considerable time until part of the cargo is removed. Then by admitting additional air, the cargo could burst into flames. Stowage of engine room stores is important since materials such as cleaning rags, cotton waste, sawdust can all cause spontaneous combustion especially if they are stored next to the various

chemicals carried on board ships.


Lifeboats are the primary means of escape from a vessel in distress, however operations involving the lowering of lifeboats are potentially hazardous. Lifeboats must be launched and exercised in the water once every three months. If the vessel is equipped with free fall lifeboats, launches are required six monthly. It is important to maintain the lifeboats falls and davits as per manufacturer's manual. Release systems must be properly adjusted, regularly maintained, correctly operated and tested regularly. Failure to do this can lead to a malfunction of the release equipmentresulting in the boat being released prematurely or alternatively not being released.  Trainingmust be carried out to ensure that all crewmembers are familiar with the correct operation of this type of equipment.


The term "security levels" is used to quantify the risk of a potential security incident. There are 3 security levels:           

Level 1 is considered as normal with minimum routine security measures in place.

Level 2 is where an increased risk of security incident exists. In this case there are additional security measures taken over and above those at level 1.

Level 3 is the highest level and this is where a security incident or threat against a port, port facility, or ship is probable or imminent. Instructions will normally be given by those responding to the incident and generally normal operations will stop. If the security level changes the Master will be advised by the vessel's flag Administration, Company Security Officer of the port. In turn the Ship Security Officer will ensure that all crew are made aware of the level along with their duties.


Threats to the security of ships and crews are always present, whether it be theft, stowaways, piracy, terrorism, bomb threats or drug smuggling. The security of the ship is in the interest of everyone on board. The ship has a security plan which gives the SSO assistance in organizing effective security and practical guidance in procedures and precautions. A Ship Security Officer is appointed onboard and is responsible to the Master for all security issues and for conducting regular security training on board for the crew. Everyone on board has a duty to ensure that the vessel is kept as secure as possible and that any suspicious activities, persons or packages are reported immediately to the SSO.


Many materials used on board ships have health and safety implications for personnel handling them. All dangerous materialsare only to be used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Chemicals must always be handled with great care and personal protective equipment utilized. This equipment is to consist of eye protection, rubber gloves and an apron. Care is to be taken not to breathe chemical vapors. Proprietary eye wash liquid is to be available as a first aid measure to remove chemicals from the eyes.


An Emergency Party is selected from the most suitable officers and ratings on the ship. Usually several emergency parties are formed, such as Bridge Party, Engine Room Party, First Aid Party and Fire-Fighting Party. Regular alarm testing must be used as an opportunity for all on board to learn to recognize the signal for activating the emergency team. This is particularly important where confusion may arise from different alarms. Suitable locations are to be designated for the Emergency Parties to muster at. They must have reasonable access to the upper deck, the accommodation and machinery spaces. The Emergency Party is to muster at a location where emergency equipment is readily available.


Personal Protective Equipment will not in itself prevent an accident but will help to prevent injury. Any person who may be required to wear or use protective clothing or equipment is to be properly trained or instructed in its use and advised of any limitations of its use. Protective clothing and equipment are to be issued to each employee or kept in an easily accessible and clearly marked location. Any defects are to be reported immediately. Note that items such as scarves, sweatbands, casual headgear, loose clothing, finger rings, necklaces and other jewellery can be extremely hazardous.These objects can get caught in moving machinery, power tools or when working with ropes or lines. If the necessary PPE is not available for use, work must not be carried out or permitted.


Half of all major pollution claims arise from incidents on ships that are not carrying oil cargoes spillages of bunker oil and collision account for over one third of the total number of pollution claims. All ships' personnel must ensure that all necessary precautions are taken and that proper procedures are strictly followed during all oil transfer operations. A close watch must be maintained during these operations to ensure that any escape of oil does not go unnoticed. All vessels must carry oil spill removal equipment which includes sorbents, non sparking hand scoops, shovels, and buckets, emulsifiers for deck cleaning, protective clothing, scupper plugs, portable pumps with hoses, etc. The equipment must be kept in a convenient storeroom and must not be used for any other purpose.


If welding or flame-cutting are needed in areas other than in the workshop you should receive a Permit to Work. Where portable lightsare required to provide adequate illumination, they should be clamped or secured in position. Adequate ventilation should be provided when welding in enclosed spaces. Breathing apparatus may be needed. Welding equipment should be inspected before use to ensure that it is in serviceable condition. All repairs should be carried out by a competent person. Protective clothing including welding helmet, or goggles, leather welding gloves, leather apron and long-sleeved boiler suit must be worn by the operator. The area of work should be free of combustible solids, liquids or gases. Suitable fire extinguisher should be kept at hand ready for use during the operation.


Prior to work involving maintenance and testing of electrical circuits, a Permit to workis to be completed. This involves work where there is a danger of shock that could result ininjury or death. It should be remembered that such injury can be caused at voltages as low as 60V. It   also   involves   work   on  electrical   circuits   of  any voltage where there is a risk of flammable vapors  being present. This will involve all work outside the main accommodation block and machinery spaces on vessels carrying dangerous cargoes. Care is to be taken to isolate the equipment at source wherever possible and to follow the Lock-out/Tag-out procedures.


During serious incidents many telephone calls may be made to the ship. The Master must clearly identify the caller before passing on any information. Unauthorized callers must be referred to the Company for information. The media in particular will persist in trying to obtain as much information as possible. Only the Master must speak to them. Information passed must only be the minimum necessary and is to be factual. Information, which is found to be misleading, can be very damaging to the management of the incident. The Master must ensure that no other Officer or crewman speaks to the media. At no time must anyone comment on the cause of the incident.


An enclosed space includes tanks for cargo, ballast, fuel, fresh water, cofferdams etc. However any enclosed space is to be considered as dangerous if that space has been closed for an extended period without any ventilation. Such spaces may be oxygen deficient or be filled with toxic fumes from cargoes, fuel or even paint and chemicals. An inspection by Master and Chief engineer is to be carried out in order to identify all spaces which through lack of regular use or any other reason may be considered dangerous. These spaces are to be clearly marked with appropriate warnings, stating that enclosed space entry procedures must be followed. No person must enter an enclosed space, unless a permit has been issued by a senior officer   and   all   precautions   have   been   taken   along   with   adequate   safety   equipment   and   personnel on stand-by in case of emergency.


All visitors must be asked to show identification. Details will then be entered into the visitors' logbook and a pass issued. Random checking of persons and their belongings is to be carried out as per the security plan and the security level in force. Personal checks can be assisted by the use of a hand-held metal detector. During a check any weapons or anything that could be considered as suspicious or looks unusual should be treated as a security alert. If in doubt request the advice of the Officer of the Watch or the Ship Security Officer. If the person refuses to allow his bags suspicious then they and their baggage must not be allowed on board. If a visitor refuses to show his identification or if you suspect the identification document to be false you should contact the Officer of the Watch or the SSO.


Risk  Assessment  is a relatively  simple task and is a careful examination of  potential hazards during onboard activities. During this examination, precautions already in place can be identified and decisions made as to whether additional precautions may be required. The aim is to prevent at least minimize the chances of accidents or incidents.Assessments are required for all critical operations on board. An operation which may be considered as "routine" with minimal risk in normal conditions may present a higher risk where conditions change, for example bad weather or machinery failure.  Day to day operations are to be included as well as all other critical operations including unusual or infrequent tasks.


Stowaways are usually desperate people trying to flee their country due to political unrest or war. They hide onboard and can create many problems but if discovered they should be treated with reasonable respect andconsideration. Stowaways can board in any country but are prevalent in West Africa, Central America and in places where there may be political problems. To assist checking for stowaways a checklist is to be used for routine and final inspection. The checklist contains all spaces where a stowaway could possibly hide. Crews are urged to carry out through searches of hard-to-reach positions on the ship.


Nearly all fires which have happened on board ships could have been avoided. Fire-fighting on board is difficult and dangerous owing to the confined areas in which the fire may be tackled and restricted means of escape. These difficulties and dangers can be greatly reduced with the regular exercising and training in the drills. Good housekeeping in all areas of the ship is essential for fire prevention. Strictly observe smoking regulations. Private electrical equipment is only to be used if the equipment is type approved. When such equipment is not in use they must be switched off and disconnected from the power source. Laundry equipment is to be switched off when not in use. Spillages of oil, paint, solvents or other flammable liquidsare to be cleaned up immediately and rags disposed of correctly.


Good housekeeping is important for safe work on board.  All areas must be kept clean, dry, free of rubbish, and free from slipping and tripping hazards. The right tools should be used for each job, and they must be kept in good order. To avoid any accidents tools, materials, spares and other supplies should be stowed securely and correctly. When you work it is necessary to have sufficient lighting. All alleyways, escape routes and emergency’ exits must not be obstructed. If there are some leaking pipes or fittings any leakage should be traced and stopped. Any spills must be cleaned up immediately. Oil soaked rags and other flammable materials are potentially hazardous and must be disposed of in fireproof receptacles.


Anyone on board who discovers an emergency must first activate the nearest alarm switch. He must ensure that the Deck Officer on duty is informed without delay as to the nature and location the emergency, and then proceed to his Emergency Station. In the case of a minor fire, after the alarm has been raised, an attempt should be made to tackle it with minor fire appliances. In case of a more serious fire, doors should be shut and the area secured before evacuating it. All alarm signals are shown on the Muster List. It is essential that all crew members are aware of the meaning of the various alarm signals in use on board. In all cases, signals are to be backed up with information on the ship's public address system, where fitted.


When entering confined spaces, the atmosphere may be dangerous to health or even fatal. It may be
deficient in oxygen and may contain flammable or toxic fume vapors. A competent person should make an assessment of the space and a responsible officer should be designated to take charge of the planned operation. It is vitally important to identify the potential hazards.  The space must be prepared and secured for entry and the atmosphere inside should be tested. No sources of ignition should be taken into the space. In all cases, rescue and resuscitation equipment should be positioned ready for use at the entrance to the space. A system of communication should be agreed and tested to ensure that any person entering the space can keep in contact with the person stationed at the entrance.


There is a strong possibility of shipboard electronics malfunctioning because of interference caused by the use of mobile telephones. This can be potentially very dangerous. Sensitive equipment such as fire alarm and gas detection systems are particularly prone to interference from other electronic equipment. Masters are required to identify the critical areas on the vessel and ensure a sign is posted regarding restrictions on the use of portable phones during critical periods. Areas where restrictions may be necessary include: the navigation bridge and the engine control room during maneuvering; and the cargo control room during cargo operations in the vicinity of the steering gear.


Practical measures must be taken to reduce security risks. Before entering ports, Masters must remind their crew about their own personal security both on board and on shore. Every crewman must ensure that his/her cabin is kept locked. When in port, a good gangway and deck watch must be maintained. Access to the ship must be limited one point whenever possible. Rope ladders, including pilot ladders are not to be left over-side. Regular checks all round the ship are to be made with attention to the off-shore side as well as the shore-side. Watchmen must carry torches and must keep in radio contactwith the officer-of-the-watch.


Special precautions should be taken when working aloft. Where possible, staging or a ladder should be used and secured firmly. A safety harness and lifeline must be used. If possible a safety net should be rigged. Tools should be carried up in secure containers or belts specially designed for carrying tools to prevent them falling and causing injury to anyone. The area below the work site should be roped off with warning signs stating that people are working aloft. Care should also be taken when working aloft that tools are placed securely to prevent them dropping on anyone. Hazards should be identified, such as the ship whistle, radars, antennae, which should all be isolated while aloft and "Do not operate" signs should be placed on them.


Under Annex V of the MARPOL Convention, garbage includes all kinds of food and domestic and operational waste generated during normal operation of the vessel.

A Garbage Management Plan is obligatory on board the ship. This plan is adapted to meet any ship-specific requirements. Each new member of the crew must receive full instruction and training in the management of ship’s garbage and waste. This is to include collection, separation, processing, storage and disposal. The Garbage Management Plan is reviewed regularly to ensure that it remains effective.

The Garbage Disposal Record must include information with regard to when garbage isdischarged into the sea, To reception facilities ashore or to another ship, when garbage is incinerated and any accidental or exceptional discharge of garbage.

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